Friday, March 31, 2017

Cara Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris Dengan Natural

    Cara Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris Dengan Natural. 

 Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman,Bahasa Inggris menjadi bahasa terpenting yang kian hari kiand diminati dan dipelajari. Seseorang bahkan hingga rela mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak sedikit untuk mempelajari Bahasa yang notabene bukanlah bahasa tersulit didunia ( bahasa tersulit didunia dipegang oleh Mandarin dengan sistem pengucapan yang sulit karena dibarengi dengan 4 nada utama dan 1 nada normal). Karenanya, setiap orang seharusnya tidak perlu merasa minder ataupun berkecil hati mengenai kefasihannya dalam berbahasa inggris. disini saya akan memberikan poin-poin penting yang sebaiknya diterapkan bersamaan dengan proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris dan semoga info yng akan saya berikan dapat memudahkan pembelajar untuk mempelajarinya. cheers !!!.
 Karena fokus utama dalam mengejar kefasihan berbahasa adalah dengan lisan maka saya hanya akan memberikan berbagai cara yang dapat diterapkan untuk fasih dalam berbicara maupun merespon dalam setiap percakapan Bahasa Inggris.Dan poin-poin tersebut adalah : 
 Speaking adalah fokus utama pada setiap percakapan. Jadi, saya disini tidak mengharuskan anda terlalu fokus dengan latihan terus-menerus karena selama ini yang kita perlukan hanyalah skill berbicara yang bagus dan akan bertambah bagus jika dibarengi dengan mempelajari berbagai aksen . Cara terbaik untuk mempaktikkan speaking adalah dengan berbicara langsung dengan NATIVE SPEAKER?/orang asli yang menggunakan Bahasa tersebut. Karena mungkin tidak banyak Native Speaker di lingkunan kita maka saya menyarankan kalian untuk mengunjungi beberapa situs yang menyediakan layanan chatting dengan Native Speaker maupun orang lain yang secara tidak langsung dapat dipastikan mereka menggunakan Bahasa Inggris karena Bahasa Inggris merupakan Bahasa Internasional yang tidak mungkin mereka tidak gunakan ketika sedang berkomunikasi dengan orang yang bukan dari negara yang bahasa aslinya dipergunakan oleh kalian. Beberapa situs yang bisa kalian kunjungi yaitu : , , atau kalian bisa menggunakan tet maupun video chatting . HAPPY LEARNING!!!
 Sama halnya dengan SPEAKING listening juga diperlukan untuk kalian yangini fasih dan menguasai percakapan secara utuh. Untuk listening bisa digunakan cara yang sama yaitu dengan memanfaatkan metode chatting karena secara tidak langsung kita akan dipaksa untuk mengerti maksud dari pembicaraan . Cara yang lainnya adalah dengan memanfaatkan media bisa saja kita mempelajari dari musik,film,video (terutama dari YouTube)untuk musik kita bisa menyanyikannya dengan lirik sehingga secara tidak sadar kita akan terbiasa dan secara tidak langsung mengerti setiap perkataan yang dinyanyikan  hal yang sama bisa diterapkan dengan film dan video tetapi disini gunakanlah subtitle/teks yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggriis sehingga kita mengerti apa yang seseorrang didalam film maupun video itu katakan sehingga secara tidak sadar otak kita akan memperkirakan setiap hal yang mereka bicarakan apalagi jika suatu kata tertentu diulan-ulang secara terus-menerus di suatu vide/film tersebut.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Kapan London Love Story 2 Tayang ?

  'London Love Story 2' merupakan kelanjutan dari 'London Love Story' film Indonesia garapan rumah produksi Screenplay Films. Masih disutradarai oleh Asep Kusdinar, dan naskahn film ditulis oleh Sukhdev Sigh dan Tisa TS, serta pemain utama Dimas Anggara dan Michelle Ziudith.

  Saya sendiri sudah menonton filmnya.Dan, jujur saja ini film romantis terbaik yang pernah saya tonton untuk kelas dalam negara. Yah, meskipun saya jomblo tapi saya merasa film ini membuat atau bahkan mendorong saya untuk lebih jujur kepada perasaan sendiri. Kali ini, LLS2 akan berfokus ke masa lalu nya Karamel dan mereka akan bersetting di negara Swiss .

 Pokoknya film ini recommended banget bagi pasangan pasangan diluar sana yang mungkin sedang galau atau sedang berkonflik untuk merasa seperti pertama kali berpacaran ketika selesai menontonnya. 

untuk informasi filmnya. ... Tadi saya sudah menonton itu artinya hari ini tanggal 13 Maret 2017 film ini sudah bisa disaksikan di bioskop terdekat. 

 Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bisa di check langsung ketersediaan film nya di link berikut

  Di +1 Ya jangan lupa ya buat share infonya ....

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Why Do Japanese People Often Forget Kanji ? This Is The Reason.

As well as Kanji China ( Hanzi ), Japan also use the same writing system so-called Kanji. 

 Japanese Kanji is not much different with Chinese Hanzi, because they jointly use pictograph as their writing system.

 By knowing the reasons below you're gonna know why do most Japanese People tend to forget Kanji.

Usually Japanese people will be introduced by Kanji Characters since they are in Primary School.

 And even as yet learn Kanji until they are in University.

 Japanese Children will first be learning colloquial Kanji Characters. Until a certain level.

 Here are some colloquial Japanese Kanji list they learned at school.

 Kanji has multiple meanings and multiple pronunciations such as Onyomi and Kunyomi.

 If you've been wondering about Kanji Translations usually it depends on Kanji itself because each characters has its own meanings.

 How many Kanji are there ? Kanji has a number of hundreds to millions. 

 But, Japanese Government had set around 2000 Characters to understand certain articles in the newspaper. 

 Kanji such as 人, 火, 田 in a row mean human, fire, and rice field because indeed, its actual shapes almost similar to the actual meanings, and it depends on Kanji Meaning. 


 And usually kanji is used on an object as a symbol, this usually so-called Kanji Symbol. 

  Thus, that type of writing system they used to write out/ simplify vocabularies because Japanese is a syllabic language, and constantly called as Kanji Alphabet. 

 Questions about Kanji

How do you read Japanese ?

 We read Japanese by using 3 writing systems in Japanese Language, Those are Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji.

How do Japanese Kanji Work ?

 Usually Kanji is combined by hiragana when using original Japanese vocabularies and sometimes only followed 1 or 2 Kanji which is combined with Hiragana. 

How many Alphabets are in Japanese Language ?

 Japanese has 3 different writing systems.

 This writing systems are Hiragana written for preposition or Kanji's companion,Katakana parts of Kanji ( Radical ) to write loanwords especially from English, and Kanji a pictograph writimg system to write/ simplify Japanese vocabularies.

What is the use of Kanji ?

 Like I said, Kanji is used to simplify vocabularies in Japanese Language and for nouns sometimes use the Onyomi pronunciation.

 The reasons why do Japanese People still have difficulty on reading Kanji.

They use memorization Technic

 Since Primary School to University Japanese People already accustomed to memorize each characters in Japanese Language. 

 So that, most of them will tend to forget Kanji which is considered not really important in daily life. 

Technology Influences 

 Japan itself is a country with an Advanced Technologies Producer which then become popular in the entire world.

 Especially the use of Smartphone which usually be used as long distance communication for each people. 

 Because that Technology Influences. Japanese rarely writes their writing system directly and use technology as a replacement. 

 Because of this point Japanese are gonna be smarter on reading than writing. 


 From those reasons has been understood that Japanese tend to forget what they've remembered and remember what they've forgot.

 Hence, for those whom gonna learn Japanese are recommended to not really think about the difficulties of Kanji.

Because however you aren't alone, Japanese People themselves have difficulties on that. 

 Even from its original country, all Chinese people are not really mastering and good at their own writing system.  


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Language Belgium

 Belgium is a country near Netherlands, Germany, France, Luxembourg, and the North Sea. And it was part of Netherlands in the past. The capital is Brussels which is also the capital of European Union. The country which has the demonym "Belgian" so far is an interesting country because the citizen mostly bilingual or even trilingual. This country was separated from the Netherlands on 4 October 1830, with population over 11 million. This country uses the Euro as their currency and the motto itself is "Unity makes Strength" which has been proven by this country to become one of the most advanced country in Europe and part of European Union. Belgium speaks 3 languages and basically those languages are the influences because of the position of this country. Just like what i said Belgium is a country near Netherlands, Germany, France,etc. Because of the neighborhood Countries, Belgium is able to speak 3 languages and those are Dutch, French, German.

  The same thing happened in Switzerland.

 What a great Countries they are. Imagine if you speak one of their mother tongue and you'll be impressed n how good do they speak it. It's a dream country to somone who wanna learn those languages at once so those 2 countries are great destinations. I thought that's all about the languages that is spoken in Belgium hope we get a great and deep understanding on it. See you and thanks

Phone Rooted Eperience

Now, i'm gonna share my eperience about rooting phone. You might have known and familiar with this term. Root is a full access of your phone and you almost can do anything what you want with your phone after it's labeled "Rooted" and got licencor application such as Superuser. Root has 2 types which are temporary and permanent root. And if certain device has got permanent root it means the user is unable to unroot their devices, but for temporary one the user is still able to unroot their devices just like what they've chosen and planned before they root their devices. Sometimes root is good for your device because you have full permissions on almost anything what you want and it is allowed by the licencor. But in other way this method could have harmed your device since the phone has given almost what they have to the user so the user needs to protect their own devices.

 So, about my phone i don't know whether my phone was broken because of rooting it or it was just broken from the inside. But 2-3 weeks after i had rooted my device, the performance just getting worse and moreover i chose the temporary root but no availed so i chose the permanent one FYI. Just at that time i realized that i couldn't charge my phone whenever i was trying to do that it was just shaking and buzzing so i decided to bring it to the nearest service center and they said something went wrng but they didn't exactly know what happened that time. 

 I know rooting your phone is just fine and fun but just like a wonderland 'cause you have a full access to roam and control anything what you want but when it comes to the horror part you should take it at your own risk my advice is before you decide to try to root your phone it's better to see and think the advantages and disadvantages, if you concern about the disadvantages it's better to stop but if you know how to overcome it go ahead.
 Okay so that is my experience on rooting my phone but if you know the answer and reason why my phone was broken please tell me about it precisely on the comment section and don't forget to give it a +1 and share it to your colleagues to remind them thanks and see you later !!!